Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Shortened Luteal Phrase Defect Caused By Liver Qi Stagnation in The Yang Phrase Of Menstrual Cycle

Liver qi is important in assisting the heart in moving blood in the blood vessels. If liver qi is stasis, it can not control the movement of blood, leading to sluggish blood flow and heat being generated in the body that distorts the function of uterine lining in fertilized egg implantation, shortens the yang phrase and causes the unexplained causes of infertility.

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I. Symptoms
1. Pain and tenderness
2. Hypochondrium and breast tenderness
Deep-purple blood with clots
Ecchymoses on the tongue edges
6. Mood swings
7. Frustrated easily
8. Inappropriate anger
9. Etc.

II. Causes
1. Intake of spicy foods
Intake of spicy and hot foods may increase the body temperature that depletes the internal yin and causes liver's heat to rise and affects the normal function of nervous system in information transmitting between themselves and gland, leading stress, anxiety and emotional and physical stress.

3. Over drinking alcohol
Alcohol damages the liver that affects its ability in blood formation and storing, leading to liver blood stagnation in certain region in the productive organ, resulting in purple clots in the period.

4. Over exercises
Moderate exercise is helpful for blood circulation, over exercise diverts blood aways from the reproductive organ that cause not enough blood to support the normal function of the uterus in the yang phrase of menstrual cycle, leading to menstrual cramps and pains before, during and after menstruation

5. Kidney Yin deficiency
Kidney yin deficiency causes abnormal function of kidney in regulating the fluids the body tissues, leading to abnormal water retention in the body.

6. Infection or inflammation
Infection or inflammation caused by invasion of bacteria and virus due to weakening immune system in guarding our body from foreign substances, causing heat pattern in the body that affects the kidney yin, leading to its inability to support the normal function of uterus, thus increasing the risk of uterus contraction.

7. Etc.

III. Treatments
A. With herbs
1. Xiang Fu (nut grass rhizome)
It is one the herbs helped to regulate the qi flow by smoothing the liver and congestion of Spleen qi caused by excessive yin or yang, thus reducing qi stagnation caused by disharmonization of liver and Spleen causes of abdominal cramps and pain. It is said that xiang fu also has a function impromoting regular menstruation.

2. Zhi Ke (ripe fruit of zhi shi)
Zhi ke promote healthy liver, it promotes a strong liver qi function, thereby, increasing its function in blood formation and transportation to the heart for circulation.

3. Wu Yao (lindera root)
Wu yao is one the warm with the main function of warming the kidney caused by kidney yang deficiency. It is only used for patient with evidence of liver qi stagnation caused by prolong intake of cold foods or working in a cold environment. Since its function is to restore the liver qi flow due to cold constraint, it reduces the blood stagnation causes of menstrual pain.

B. With acupuncture
Suggested points of acupuncture
1. LI4 (He gu)
2. LV3 (Tai chong)
3. ST36 ( Zu san li)
4. GB20 (Feng chi)
5. BL18 (Gan shu)
6. CV12 (Zhon guan)
7. CV17 (Shan zhong)
8. SP4 (Gong sun)
9. Etc.

C. With foods
1. Garlic
2. Cherry
4. Coconut meat
5. Date
6. Tofu
7. Squash
8. Sweet potato
8. Red and black date
9. Rice
10. Etc.

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